Get Editor Update
Latest Version:
For those who have purchased the CFDB Editor plugin extension, get updates here.
Otherwise, Purchase the CFDB Editor Plugin.
NOTE: WordPress will require you to uninstall your current version before you install the newest version.
Version 1.5 (December, 2016)
- Improvement: CSV Import – can now set delimiter, enclosure and escape characters
- Bug Fix: Occasional issues on Import page when form names from extended character sets
Version 1.4.3 (April, 2016)
- New: can now limit which columns are editable when using cfdb-datatable shortcode using the editcolumns attribute
- Bug fix where edit mode would inject a BR tag in certain circumstances
Version 1.4.2 (January, 2016)
- Fixes to avoid problem with WPML and when site it creating debug output during AJAX calls
Version 1.4.1 (August, 2015)
- Performance improvement in editing
Version 1.4 (June, 2015)
- New: Added Data cleanup function on Import page
- Bug Fix: Better handling of special characters
- Bug Fix: to import data
Version 1.3.1 (July, 2014)
- Can edit when viewing a single entry in the CFDB Administration page (CFDB 2.8).
- Can rename forms on the Import page
- Fixed bug where import failed for CSV files with Mac end-of-line character
Version 1.2.2 (June, 2013)
- Bug fix: where import did not work properly on some customers’ sites
- Bug fix: where editing column names was not working with datatables 1.9.4
Version 1.2
- Import CSV File into the DB. See the Contact Form DB -> Import link in the WP administration page
- Support for editable datatable via short code [cfdb-datatable form=”form-name” edit=”true”]
In the WordPress Administration page for Plugins:
- Go to your WordPress Plugins Page
- Deactivate the plugin if you have an older version installed
- Delete the older version of the plugin
- “Add New”
- “Upload” link to upload and install the new version you downloaded
- Activate the plugin
If you just try to update it without deleting, it will give you an error that the plugin directory already exists.
Problems? Email
Awesome……definitely going to have a play with this.
Thanks Michael, this is going to benefit so many users!
I have tried unsuccessfully to get the editor update without success. My email link is accepted (the one I used to purchase data editor) but I do not receive a reply with the required link. I have tried on several occasions over the last 3 weeks.
Check your Spam folder. If you can’t get it to work, contact me at and I can try sending it to you. Make sure you give me your purchase email. If you need to change that email, we can do that also, but I’ll need some proof that you own it.
Sorted. Was in spam folder!!! Thanks for that.