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Previously Submitted Translation files

Help Internationalize (i18n) this Plug-in!

You can create a language translation file for this plugin. You do not have to be technical to do this. Just follow the steps….

Creating a translation from scratch

1. Download and install the free Poedit application. This application will allow you to easily type in translations for all the display strings that appear in the plugin.

2. Download the contact-form-7-to-database-extension.pot file.
This file contains the strings to translate.

3. Start Poedit. If this is the first time you have run Poedit, it will take you through some screens.

Setup dialog – Click OK
Preferences dialog – Click OK

4. Open the downloaded file.

File menu, New catalog from POT file…
Open the downloaded file
A Settings dialog will appear. You can just click OK

5. Save your file with the correct name indicating language and country.

Save As using the correct filename for the language/country.
Use the following to determine the file name: 



File name:

6. Input your translations

Click on each string and type in the translation

7. When finished SAVE. This creates two files: one with a “.po” extension and one with a “.mo” extension.

8. Test your files on your installation.
You will need to manually upload your .mo file to your WordPress installation in the directory:

The file must be named correctly for it to work. 

NOTE: Your i18n setting is defined in your wp-config.php file, like this:
#define ('WPLANG', 'it_IT');
(this example: it_IT means italian of Italy)
You can change it to test a different language configuration.

9. Upload your working translation files! We will include them in the next release.

    Your .po file (required)

    Your .mo file (required)

    Your Email (optional)

    Enter this code below:

    1. ed
      February 14th, 2012 at 13:31 | #1

      forget about the es_ES I just emailed… i did not see that it was already done… at least I learned something, it was my first translation

    2. April 23rd, 2012 at 20:37 | #2

      Please help me important
      Worked only in Arabic translation, and followed the steps described here
      But the translation did not work!!!
      What do I do?

    3. April 23rd, 2012 at 22:33 | #3

      When you save the translation in Arabic
      This problem appears!!!


      File errors
      I want to solve this problem? 🙁

      • Michael Simpson
        April 24th, 2012 at 11:38 | #4

        I see this is an error in POEdit on Mac. I googled for the error “X-Poedit-SearchPath”. The issue may be having a space in the path where you are saving the file. If that is the case for you, try saving at a different location. I think this is coming from trying to compile the .PO file to a .MO file. If you can send me the .PO file (if it lets you save it) I can try creating the .MO file on a Windows machine.

    4. April 24th, 2012 at 13:33 | #5

      نعم استطيع حفظ ملف ترجمة العربيه
      بعد ظهور الأخطاء

      هذه هي الملفات



      وقد قمت برفع الملفات الى مسار

      ولكن لم تعمل الترجمة

    5. April 24th, 2012 at 13:34 | #6

      Yes, I can save a file Arabic translation
      After the appearance of errors

      These are the files



      The files you raise to the track
      wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7-to-database-extension/languages ​​/

      But the translation did not work

    6. April 24th, 2012 at 14:04 | #7

      When you open the program and choose Poedit Arabic Language
      I get this message

    7. luminousspice
      September 7th, 2012 at 16:53 | #8

      Hi, Michael. Thanks for your great code. This plug-in is really helpful for me.
      I’ve uploaded Japanese resources ‘contact-form-7-to-database-extension-ja_JP.po’ according to your guideline. Unfortunately, the current WordPress Japanese resource files itself uses ‘ja’ instead of ‘ja_JP’. I don’t know why.
      I note that it’s necessary to change file names ‘ja_JP’ to ‘ja’ or make symbolic links to activate these Japanese resource files for your plug-in.

    8. Michael Simpson
      September 12th, 2012 at 21:25 | #9

      Thanks. I’ll add two copies: “ja” and “ja_JP” files

    9. October 3rd, 2013 at 05:12 | #10

      I updated the contact-form-7-to-database-extension-nl_NL.mo again today.
      The version I sent yesterday (oktober 1) was incomplete and should be removed.

      There’s still a field missing in the “pot” file:
      * I have donated to this plugin

      (Thanks for this GREAT plugin, pity I did not discover it earlier)

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